With gratitude to G-d, we are excited to share that Chabad has just leased a new space to serve as the Chabad Jewish Center of Central Oregon.

We are looking forward to creating a warm, inviting space where everyone who walks through the doors will feel at home and be proud to be part of an active, vibrant Jewish community. We aim for our new home to be a place where we can grow our community together, celebrate and deepen our knowledge of Judaism, and enjoy social gatherings.

The new Jewish center requires renovations and furnishings to be a welcoming home for every Jew in Central Oregon. We invite you to partner with us on this exciting new chapter in our community's journey. To help our beautiful community grow and thrive, we need the support of generous donors like you. Your contribution will help to create a welcoming space for all Jews in Central Oregon, and it will help to strengthen our community for generations to come.

Please contribute to this campaign. Below we have attached a “wish list” where you can direct your funds towards specific needs.

Thank you for your support!

New Home Donation Form

Donor Wall

Thank you for donating to Chabad’s New Home

Alex & Cherisa Sandrow - Monthly Sponsor

Mendy & Chaya Freedman - Other - Where Needed

David Uri - Mezuzahs

Harvey & Arlyn Becker - Siddurim (Prayer Books)

Paul & Rifka Wilder - Siddurim (Prayer Books)

Maggie & Lewis Sperber - Kitchen, Lounge Space, Monthly Sponsor

Lisa & Ted Heller - Other - Where Needed

Avraham Mintz - Monthly Sponsor

Alycia S. - Other - Where Needed

Friend of Chabad - Monthly Sponsor

Adam Daniels - Ads for Auto - Signage

Terry & Jennifer Chemtov - Other - Where Needed

David & Carol Wahl - Other - Where Needed

Victoria Rubstein - Chumashim (5 Books of the Torah)

Eliane Bray - Other - Where Needed. In honor of Masha Perel bas Liba

Lucas Cominos - Chumashim (5 Books of the Torah)

Aaron Kadoch & Lieve Maas - Monthly Donation

Anonymous - Other - Where Needed